Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday Monday

Thus begins a new week. I am really tired this morning. Although, I feel like I got a good night sleep. Must just be the fact that it is Monday... I have yet to see what today holds in store for me. The boss is not yet in, that I know of. The only thing on my plate is one bug that I have to do some repro work on. Other than that, just waiting for the next test pass. I have a hunch it's right around the corner.

The past 4 days I have been having some pretty bad tooth pain. I have at least 4 teeth that need work. at least 2 of which are very painful. To the point that the Oragel I am using has little effect at all. Tylenol seems to still be working though. And that is a good thing. I need to get some money in the bank so I can go see a dentist. I need to get this taken care of soon. If I don't, It starts to really effect my attitude (which is bad at work), and it could become infected. So I need to get them taken care of as soon as I can.


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