Monday, April 11, 2005

Long Long Day

Well, I am still at work. Got hit with a test that needs to be done today. This was given to me about a half hour ago. It's not really a problem to stay late, i would just like to know sooner than a half hour before I would normally leave for the day. So I am getting setup for the test, and this is the part that always takes the most time. The test itself will only take about 20 minutes. I just keep telling myself, it's more money in the bank. A lot more money in the bank. I did, after all, agree to work any and all overtime as needed. It's not so bad really. It's just a metter of changing my mindset when I find out I have to stay late. I think I worked it out today.

The only real drawback to staying late is that I don't have much time with my wife before I have to get ready for bed. I will get home sometime around 7 - 7:30 tonight. Dinner around 8:30 bed around 9:30. So I will have about an hour and a half with my wife. Not much time.


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