Monday, April 04, 2005

Good Day...

Well, all in all, today was good. The work day went well. The bus ride home uneventful (which is always good). And this evening, grocery shopping. Food. And boy do our cupboards and fridge need it. So at the moment I am watching the news to see what is going on in the world. The usual I guess, the news remains the same, the day just changes. Shootings, rapes, hit and runs. It just keeps going on and on and on. When will people stop. It just seems so pointless, all this crime. It's all very sad really. I'm no saint. I have lived some questionable days in my past. And I have a lot of things. But I have never hit a point that made me want to commit a crime. It would be great if everyone could just live their lives in peace. That sure would be nice.

Mt. St. Hellens has awakened yet again. I can remember the big eruption on May 18, 1980. I was in High School at the time. May 18th was a Sunday. I was comfortable in bed at home in Portland, Oregon, when the house began to shake. I got up and saw on the TV that Mt. St. Helens was erupting, finally. We had watched it on the news for weeks prior to this date. It had been rumbling for quite some time now. So I got on my bicycle and rode up to one of the cemeteries in the west hills. At one spot in particular I had the perfect, unobstructed view of the mountain. I remember seeing what looked like a nuclear explosion where the mountain was. The mushroom cloud was huge, it rose some 30,000 feet or more into the sky. It was amazing. The eruption had blown 2000 feet completely off the summit of the mountain. I could not see the really bad damage. That was on the north side of the mountain. The north side was pretty much removed completely during the eruption. It lasted about 13 hours. In Portland, we had about 3 inches of ash on the ground. Yakima, WA got hit the worst, with feet of the stuff on the ground. It was an experience I will never forget. There is a photo archive on the web you can check out. The current archive runs back to the most recent awakening in September of last year (2004).

Baseball has come to town. The Mariners beat the Twins 5-1 on opening day at Safco Field. What a GREAT way to start the season! Go Mariners!!!!!!! Now let's just hope the M's can keep up the momentum. Seattle comes off Spring Training with a record of 12 - 16. I certainly hope the regular season does better than that!


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